The next S³ seminars

Making the Most of Sparse Data: Machine Learning and Data Assimilation with applications in Air Quality and Geoscience

Sibo Cheng (CEREA, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC), Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
January 24, 2025 — 10:00 — Location: new L2S location (IBM building), 3rd floor, Salle G. Hopper

ELF: Federated Langevin Algorithms with Primal, Dual and Bidirectional Compression

Avetik Karagulyan (Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CentraleSupélec, L2S)
February 07, 2025 — 11:00 — Location: new L2S location (IBM building), Room Hopper (Third floor)