Time Frequency Array Signal Processing- Multi-Dimensional processing for non-stationary signals

Adel Belouchrani (Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, Alger)
May 20, 2016 — 10:30 — "Salle du conseil du L2S"


Conventional time-frequency analysis methods are being extended to data arrays, and there is a potential for a great synergistic development of new advanced tools by exploiting the joint properties of time-frequency methods and array signal processing methods. Conventional array signal processing assumes stationary signals and mainly employs the covariance matrix of the data array. This assumption is motivated by the crucial need in practice for estimating sample statistics by resorting to temporal averaging under the additional hypothesis of ergodic signals. When the frequency content of the measured signals is time varying (i.e., nonstationary signals), this class of approaches can still be applied. However, the achievable performances in this case are reduced with respect to those that would be achieved in a stationary environment. Instead of considering the nonstationarity as a shortcoming, Time Frequency Array Processing takes advantage of the nonstationarity by considering it as a source of information in the design of efficient algorithms in such environments. This talk deals with this relationship between time- frequency methods and array signal processing methods. Recent results on the performance analysis of the Time Frequency MUSIC algorithm will be also presented. The speaker plans to address a broad audience with general background in signal processing.


Adel Belouchrani was born in Algiers, Algeria, on May 5, 1967. He received the State Engineering degree in 1991 from Ecole Nationale Polytechnique (ENP), Algiers, Algeria, the M.S. degree in signal processing from the Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (INPG), France, in 1992, and the Ph.D. degree in signal and image processing from Télécom Paris (ENST), France, in 1995. He was a Visiting Scholar at the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department, University of California, Berkeley, from 1995 to 1996. He was with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Villanova University, Villanova, PA, as a Research Associate from 1996 to 1997. From 1998 to 2005, he has been with the Electrical Engineering Department of ENP as Associate Professor. He is currently and since 2006 Full Professor at ENP. His research interests are in statistical signal processing, (blind) array signal processing, time- frequency analysis and time-frequency array signal processing with applications in biomedical and telecommunications. Professor Adel Belouchrani is an IEEE Senior Member and has published over 180 technical publications including 48 journal papers, 4 book chapters and 4 patents that have been cited over 5400 times according Google Scholar and over 2000 time according to ISI Web Of Science. He has supervised over 19 PhD students. Professor Adel Belouchrani is currently Associated Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing and Editorial board member of the Digital signal processing Journal (Ed. Elsevier). He has been recently nominated as a founding member of the Algerian Academy of Science and Technology.