Non-negative orthogonal greedy algorithms for sparse approximation
Thanh T. Nguyen (CRAN, L2S)
December 08, 2017 — 10:30 — "None"
Sparse approximation under non-negativity constraints naturally arises in several applications. Many sparse solvers can be directly extended to the non-negative setting. It is not the case of Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP), a well-known sparse solver, which gradually updates the sparse solution support by selecting a new dictionary atom at each iteration. When dealing with non-negative constraints, the orthogonal projection computed at each OMP iteration is replaced by a non- negative least-squares (NNLS) subproblem whose solution is not explicit. Therefore, the usual recursive (fast) implementations of OMP do not apply. A Non-negative version of OMP (NNOMP) was proposed in the recent literature together with several variations. In my talk, I will first recall the principle of greedy algorithms, in particular NNOMP, and then, I will introduce our proposed improvements, based on the use of the active-set algorithm to address the NNLS subproblems. The structure of the active-set algorithm is indeed intrisically greedy. Moreover, the active-set algorithm can be called with a warm start, allowing us to fastly solve the NNLS subproblems. (Joint work with Charles Soussen (L2S), Jérôme Idier (LS2N) and El-Hadi Djermoune (CRAN).)